iCST dementia training
Experiences of attending iCST dementia training
By Dr Phuong Leung (PhD, FHEA, MSc and BSc)
A recent iCST dementia training on 11th July 2019 was well received by a diverse group of trainees including family carers of people with dementia, carer support coordinators, dementia advisors, occupational therapists and psychologists. Trainees found the training very useful and commented on the usefulness of relevant theories, knowledge and communication skills to deliver iCST.
“Being able to ask and learn from the experts! Feeling that I can do something positive for both dad and for myself. Understanding that there is time to make a positive difference. I found it all useful. A privilege to be able to be part of the training…It would be wonderful to see this valuable technique rolled out more widely”. (Dementia family carer)
Most trainees found the training was interesting and stimulating. It provided them with opportunities to learn through practical exercises.
“The training gave me a detailed understanding of iCST and some training in its practical application…I really enjoyed the training today. It has been inspirational” (Dementia Advisor)
iCST training on Thursday 11th July 2019
iCST training on Thursday 11th July 2019
The training provided the opportunity for trainees to learn various techniques and communication skills to deliver iCST sessions through active participation and group interactions and as well as meet others in the field.
“Learning different techniques for asking questions to stimulate a response” (Dementia Volunteer Coordinator)
“Understanding a new/adopted approach to support patient/carer, meeting others within the field”. (Occupational Therapist)
Individual Cognitive Stimulation (iCST) Therapy Dementia Training
Tuesday 17th September from 10am to 3.30pm
Led by Dr Phuong Leung
82 Brockley Rise, Forest Hill, London SE23 1LN, England
Join us for this training, please book your place online using the link below