iCST Dementia Training and Consultancy/Coaching

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Individual CST intervention is reaching out to the community

By Dr Phuong Leung (PhD and FHEA)

It was great to see a group of volunteers from Wendover Dementia Support with a variety of health professional backgrounds such as dementia advisors, nurses and GPs attending the Individual Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (iCST) in dementia training on 21st January 2020. Fascinating to hear Dr Philippa Moreton, the founder of Wendover Dementia Support that she would like iCST to be implemented in everyday life of people with dementia and their carers.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Dr Philippa Moreton and her team for sharing their range of knowledge, skills and experiences during the group discussions, particularly their enthusiasm in supporting people with dementia and family carers in their community.

Our upcoming iCST dementia training is on 24th March 2020.  For more information about iCST dementia training and online booking please visit the Eventbrite link